Welcome to BMAI, The Bronx Mamaroneck ACA Intergroup website.
BMAI is comprised of representatives of the individual, autonomous Adult Children of
Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families (ACA) groups in The Bronx and Mamaroneck, New York.
A trifold describing what "ACA is ..." is here.
BMAI's sole function is to serve our groups' primary purpose of carrying the ACA message of recovery
from the effects of being raised in an alcoholic/drug addicted or dysfunctional family to adult children
who still suffer.
The trifold, "25 Questions: Am I an Adult Child?", may help you decide if you could possibly
benefit from attending an ACA meeting.
BMAI facilitates communication among the member groups and between our groups and ACA's
World Service Organization, Inc. (ACA WSO), along with other service functions and activities.
BMAI is fully self supported by voluntary contributions from member groups, from ACA members,
through hosting fund raising events, and through ACA Literature sales to member groups
(not individual sales) at the usual delivered price.
BMAI meets quarterly via teleconference calls. To join BMAI, learn how BMAI functions and
its activities or to purchase ACA Literature, contact Lisa B. (917) 449-1035 or email her at
Groups thinking of joining BMAI may want to consider reading Trusted Servant’s Self Guide to Service
BMAI Member Groups as of January 2022
M a m a r o n e c k M e e t i n g
ACA True Self
6:00 - 7:00 pm
T h e B r o n x M e e t i n g s
1 - 2 pm
7 - 8 pm
About Our Groups
ACA True Self
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Mamaroneck, NY
ACA True Self is an autonomous weekly closed meeting (meaning the meeting is open to all people who identify as being ACA or from dysfunctional families) and has a rotating format:
First Thursday Beginner's Meeting
Second Thursday Step of the Corresponding Month Meeting*
Third Thursday Trait Meeting*
(The speaker will choose the Trait they wish to discuss)
Fourth Thursday The Solution Meeting* (Chapter 8 of BRB)
Becoming Your Own Loving Parent.
Fifth Thursday Short Meditation+
* The ACA Steps are here.
The Laundry Lists Traits are here.
The Fellowship Text excerpt of Chapter 8, Becoming Your Own Loving Parent, is here.
+ Traits Meditations
Strengthening My Recovery Trait 1- Page 13; Trait 2 - Page 39; Trait 3 - Page 65;
Trait 4 - Page 94; Trait 5 - Page 121; Trait 6 - Page 150;
Trait 7 - Page 171; Trait 8 - Page 200; Trait 9 - Page 229;
Trait 10 - Page 255; Trait 11 - Page 283; Trait 12 - Page 311;
Trait 13 - Page 338; Trait 14 - Page 366. ​
Since the COVID 19 situation, The ACA True Self meeting is being held via Zoom.
The Zoom link information is 96981818795.
For passcode send email to: OR
Meetings originally held at:
Christian Science Churches
155 Fenimore Rd
Take Stairs On Side Of Church To Basement
Mamaroneck, New York 10543
Meeting Contact:
Lisa B. (917) 449-1035
Speaking Our Truth
1 - 2 pm
Bronx, New York
Speaking Our Truth is an autonomous weekly open meeting (meaning anyone can attend) and has a rotating format:
First Tuesday Newcomer's Meeting
The first Tuesday of the month is a Newcomer's Meeting meaning anyone interested in learning more about ACA is welcome to attend. Meeting reading materials, Welcome to ACA, can be found here. A trifold explaining the process of recovery, "To The Beginner in All of Us", can be accessed here.
Second Tuesday ACA Step Meeting
The second Tuesday of the month of the month is an ACA Step Meeting. The meeting focuses on the ACA Step corresponding to the month (e.g., the January Step Meeting focuses on the First Step, etc., etc.). ACA's 12 Steps can be found here.
Third Tuesday The Solution - Becoming Your Own Loving Parent Meeting
The third Tuesday of the month focuses on The Solution - Becoming Your Own Loving Parent, Chapter 8 of the Fellowship Text aka Big Red Book (BRB). The Solution - Becoming Your Own Loving Parent meeting reading materials can be found here.
Fourth Tuesday ACA Traditions Meeting
The fourth Tuesday of the month focuses on the ACA Tradition corresponding to the month (e.g., January's Tradition Meeting focuses on the First Tradition, etc., etc.). ACA's 12 Traditions can be found here.
Fifth Tuesday Meditation Meeting
The fifth Tuesday of the month focuses on the Meditation of the corresponding day from the Strengthening Our Recovery ACA book.
Business meetings are held the third week of February, May, August, and November.
Since the COVID 19 situation, all Bronx meetings are being held by
Telephone Conference Call
(667) 770-1397 Access code: 283113
Meetings originally held at:
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
781 Castle Hill Avenue
The Bronx, New York 10473
Meeting Contact:
Larry A. (646) 483-3066
The Original 4x4
"We cover the four Laundry Lists, 4 Traits at a time"
7 - 8 pm
Bronx, New York
The Original 4x4 (aka Bronx ACA) is an autonomous weekly open meeting (meaning anyone can attend) and focuses on the 14 Laundry Lists Traits, one set of 4 traits per meeting, using the Laundry Lists Workbook reading. The Laundry Lists traits can be found here.
8/2024 - 7/2025 Traits Calendar ​​
Jan. '25 Feb. '25 March '25 April '25 May '25 June '25
2nd = Trait 4 6th = Trait 9 6th = Trait 13 3rd = Trait 3 1st = Trait 7 5th = Trait 12
9th = Trait 5 13th = Trait 10 13th = Trait 14* 10th = Trait 4 8th = Trait 8 12th = Trait 13
16th = Trait 6 20th = Trait 11 20th = Trait 1 17th = Trait 5 15th = Trait 9 19th = Trait 14*
23rd = Trait 7 27th = Trait 12 27th = Trait 2 24th = Trait 6 22nd = Trait 10 26th = Trait 1
30th = Trait 8 29th = Trait 11
July '25 August '24 Sept. '24 Oct. '24 Nov. '24 Dec. "24
3rd = Trait 2 1st = Trait 10 5th = Trait 1 3rd = Trait 5 7th = Trait 10 5th = Trait 14*
10th = Trait 3 8th = Trait 11 12th = Trait 2 10th = Trait 6 14th = Trait 11 12th = Trait 1
17st = Trait 4 15th = Trait 12 19th = Trait 3 17th = Trait 7 21st = Trait 12 19th = Trait 2
24th = Trait 5 22nd = Trait 13 26th = Trait 4 24th = Trait 8 28th = Trait 13? 26th = Trait 3
31st = Trait 6 29th = Trait 14* 31st = Trait 9
* Business Meeting.
? Holidays.
+ Strengthening My Recovery Trait 1- Page 13; Trait 2 - Page 39; Trait 3 - Page 65; Trait 4 - Page 94;
Trait 5 - Page 121; Trait 6 - Page 150; Trait 7 - Page 171;
Trait 8 - Page 200; Trait 9 - Page 229; Trait 10 - Page 255;
Trait 11 - Page 283; Trait 12 - Page 311; Trait 13 - Page 338; and
Trait 14 - Page 366.
Since the COVID 19 situation, all Bronx meetings are being held by
Telephone Conference Call
(667) 770-1397 Access code: 283113
Meetings originally held at:
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
781 Castle Hill Avenue
The Bronx, New York 10473
Meeting Contact:
Larry A. (646) 483-3066